Wednesday, August 11, 2010

beach dragger

The hardest part of sailing: dragging the boat back up the beach. Especially alone.

My boat moving system is this:
- Three 10' x 4" pvc pipes as rollers.
- Put the boat of 2 of them, the 3rd one in front. drag boat at the dolphin striker until the rear pipe comes out.
- Put that pipe in front, repeat. Its tedious, but a good workout.

The pipes aren't even mine. My boat's previous owner told me it was fine to use my neighbor's pipes. I've never seen that boat moved.

Soloed today, light winds, practiced buoy turns, a motor boat played chicken with me until I turned off. Some rouge waves and quick wind direction shifts. Just puttered up and down in front of the marina.

Sailing alone is beautiful, and to me feels very organic. No one is watching, so frustration over badly performed turns or lack of wind or a luffing jib never gets expressed. I just live with it, not even really noticing my mistakes. I'm beginning to feel more suited to being alone.

Re-rigged the forestay and the shrouds before I went out. Shortened the forestay as much as possible, while still attaching the jib below it. Then tightened up the shrouds so there wasn't so much slop in the rig. Pulled the jib halyard pretty tight, and everything seemed to work better. There is still a ton of rake. The main sheet is still block to block and you have to lay entirely flat to get under when tacking.

Half-pint of water in the starboard hull. Need to look at my fiberglass repair from the weekend, but it seems to be holding up quite well. No water in port hull.

Need to sew on some new hiking straps.
Need to look into cat trax.
Is there a portable beach dragging system to use when cruising?

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